Discover our Resources & Education Material

Our Resources

Over the years, Excell3 personnel have created and contributed towards content aimed to push the dialgue of education, and uplift the aspirations of the audience. This page includes a range of resources and training designed to make education a successful environment for both parents and students. 

Books & Articles

Dr Tony Talburt is a senior lecturer in black studies with particular emphasis on African diaspora Political history and has nearly thirty years teaching experience in schools, colleges and universities. A former employee of Excell3, he now serves on Excell3’s Education board.

Dr Cheron Byfield, a Co- founder of Excell3 and  the visionary behind King Solomon International Business School has a background in business and enterprise and education. 

Here are some of the books and resources designed to make education a successful environment for both parents and students. 

Online Courses Developed By Excell3